Sunday, October 18, 2009

RealMom: A New Beginning

Dear Readers,

I recently begun this new blog, after realizing that a failed name means a failed experiment. You see, I started blogging under a different title. SuperMom. And all was well and good. Until I realized, you know what? I don't have superpowers. I can't fly through the air, save innocent bystanders from impending danger all while ironing and cooking the perfect meal. I can't even get my four year old to mind. I'm not super. I'm just real. Plus, technically the name Supermom has already been taken. They can have it. I'm all for something better.
So the transition has started. And shortly hereafter there will be more posts, helpful posts, in collaberation with parts from the book I'm writing. My mission: to support parents. Plain and simple. You want happy, healthy, balanced children? Give their parents total and unwavering support, admiration, and validation. Our society totally lacks that. We tend to have such high expectations of parents, no wonder the rates of women with post-partum depression keep rising higher and higher. The blog says "RealMom." But this isn't just for moms. Dads, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers, sisters, friends, and everyone else in between can find some good in this totally wonderful philosophy. Traditional parents, modern parents, same-sex parents, God-parents, and foster and adoptive parents are in my heart right now and I really want to make a difference in anyone who has a child in their life. Because confident parents raise confident children.
So I look forward to sharing with you. And if you have any questions, ideas, or just want to chat, do not hesitate to contact me. I'm looking forward to it.

If you would like to read some of the SuperMom blogs, they can still be found at

Thanks so much,

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